Fungal Eye Infections Risk & Prevention

Who gets fungal eye infections?
Anyone can get a fungal eye infection. These infections usually are linked to one of these situations:1,2
  • Eye injury, particularly with plant material (for example, thorns or sticks)
  • Eye surgery (such as corneal transplant surgery or cataract surgery)
  • Chronic eye disease involving the surface of the eye
  • Wearing contact lenses
  • Exposure to contaminated medical products that come in contact with the eye
  • Fungal bloodstream infection (like candidemia)
Also, people who have diabetes, weakened immune system, or use corticosteroids may be more likely to develop fungal eye infections than other people.3,4
How can I prevent a fungal eye infection?
  • If you’re a farm worker or work often with plant materials, wear protective eyewear to help prevent an eye injury.
  • People who wear contact lenses should should care for their lenses properly.  For contact lens care tips, please visit CDC’s Healthy Contact Lens Wear and Care webpage.
  1. Thomas PA, Kaliamurthy J. Mycotic keratitis: epidemiology, diagnosis and management. Clin Microbiol Infect 2013;19:210-20.
  2. Bharathi MJ, Ramakrishnan R, Vasu S, Meenakshi R, Palaniappan R. Epidemiological characteristics and laboratory diagnosis of fungal keratitis. A three-year study. Indian J Ophthalmol 2003;51:315-21.
  3. Weissman BA, Mondino BJ. Risk factors for contact lens associated microbial keratitis. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2002 Mar;25(1):3-9.
  4. Keay LJ, Gower EW, Iovieno A, Oechsler RA, Alfonso EC, Matoba A, et al. Clinical and microbiological characteristics of fungal keratitis in the United States, 2001-2007: a multicenter study. Ophthalmology. 2011 May;118(5):920-6.

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