Simple Blogger Template Material

Simple Blogger Template Material
Simple Material. Yes ... I haven't updated this blog for so long, because I have to focus on making my template. but take it easy I will not sell this template because there is a license from Google Material Design. That means if I sell, I get illicit money: v

It can be said that this template is a trial template, because this template is the first template that I created myself that was helped by using a design framework which I have called it Google Material Design Lite .

Surely friends are curious, what features are included in this template? Okay, here I will mention some features that this template has.

Simple Material Features
Google Validator Testing ToolTruecheck
Mobile FriendlyTruecheck
SEO OptimizationTrue
Material DesignTrue
Grid Post HomepageTrue
Slide Menu NavigationTrue
Top Menu NavigationTrue
Pop Up Search BoxTrue
Footer 3 ColumnTrue
Ads ReadyTrue
Multi Tabs Sidebar WidgetTrue
Related PostsTrue
Subscribe WidgetTrue
For a while, that's the only feature that I can make, maybe if there is more free time I will update this template again. If you are interested in using this template, please download via the link below.

Related Post


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