N Light Premium Blogger Template

N Light Premium Blogger Template
N Light - This template is a modification of the invision template by arlinadesign . This template has fast loading and a fairly clean design in my opinion. This template sells for 100k only at idntheme .

But if you want to have a premium version and want to download it for free, I have prepared the link below.

N Light Premium feature
Google Validator Testing ToolTruecheck
SEO FriendlyTruecheck
Mobile FriendlyTruecheck
Dynamic HeadingTrue
Adsense ReadyTrue
Valid Schema.orgTrue
High CTRTrue
Personal BlogTrue
2 ColumnTrue
Auto Read More with ThumbnailTrue
Responsive Ad SlotTrue
About Me WidgetTrue
Related Posts with ThumbTrue
Search BoxTrue
Social Share ButtonTrue
Responsive Dropdown MenuTrue
Smooth Back to TopTrue
Unlimited Page NumberedTrue

You can download N Light directly via the link below.

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