Eliminating Blog Title on Google AdSense Matched Content

Eliminating Blog Title on Google AdSense Matched Content
As we know, Matched Content is one of the features of Google AdSense that serves to display a row of related posts based on the label in the post. The way it works is more or less the same as the Related Post widget in Blogger that you normally see in the templates that add it.

On the Google AdSense dashboard you can create Matched Content ad units and can also be modified in the settings. But there are obstacles when it appears on your blog that the blog title also appears in the row of links that are displayed and it will be a little annoying because the link is longer.

The following is an example of the display of the Google AdSense Matched Content ad unit of the Wiendhy Stres blog.

The benefits of this ad unit for your blog are:

  • Increase Pageview on blogs
  • Increase readers who faithfully read your blog content
  • Will have a good impact on increasing advertising revenue

Eliminating Blog Title on Google AdSense Matched Content

At this time the Blogger Tips Wiendhy Stres will provide a solution on how to Eliminate Blog Title on Google AdSense Matched Content . For those who experience this problem, let's look at the method below.

Login to Blogger > Click the Theme menu and click the Edit HTML button > Search and delete the meta tag below

<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' property='og:title'/>

Change with the code below

<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' property='og:title'/>

Click the Save theme and finish button . Then check the changes on your blog. Easy enough isn't it? If there are still no changes, it usually takes time to remove the blog title on Matched Content. To adjust the appearance of Matched Content, you can visit this link .

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from Wiendhy Stres about How to Eliminate Blog Title on Google AdSense Matched Content , hopefully it will be useful for your friends and greetings.

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