Make Auto Refresh on the Blog Page

Make Auto Refresh on the Blog Page
Creating an Auto Refresh on a Blog Page - Some sources say one of the goals of installing auto refresh on a blog page is to help increase blog traffic.

Here are the steps for Creating Auto Refresh on the Blog Page:

1. Login your blogger account.

2. Select the Template tab menu> Edit HTML> place the cursor in the HTML code area.

3. Look for the code below (press Ctrl + F to search). </head>

4. Put the following code above the code </head>

<meta content='60' http-equiv='refresh'/>


The number 60 is the time needed to auto-refresh, change as desired.

5. Then Save the template.

Well, what you need to pay attention to in installing auto refresh on the blog page is the time setting because if it's too fast the search engine, especially Google, will consider it as an act of traffic manipulation, as well as the convenience of blog visitors. Try not to set the time too fast and too much.

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