Installing Multi Recent Posts on Static Pages - This time I will share a widget that is quite interesting, namely the recent multi post widget that will display a list of the latest posts from the blog that you can specify based on the selected label.
I got this widget from the blog which has been slightly modified to make it cool ... Ok just go to the way to implement it:
Before applying this widget it's good in the template that you use already have a fontawesome link, if you don't already have one, please apply the link below before the closing tag </ head>
1. The application is very easy, you just need to add the code below on the static page post (HTML tab)
2. Save the page and see the results. .
Information :
So about how to Install Multi Recent Posts on Static Pages, hopefully useful.
I got this widget from the blog which has been slightly modified to make it cool ... Ok just go to the way to implement it:
Before applying this widget it's good in the template that you use already have a fontawesome link, if you don't already have one, please apply the link below before the closing tag </ head>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
1. The application is very easy, you just need to add the code below on the static page post (HTML tab)
<style scoped="scoped" type="text/css">
/* Multi Recent Post */
.post-body *,.post-body *:after,.post-body *:before{box-sizing:initial;-webkit-box-sizing:initial;-moz-box-sizing:initial;}
.list-entries{display:table;background:#fdfdfd;margin:1.5% 1%;width:31.3%;float:left;font-size:80%;}
.list-entries ul,.list-entries li{margin:0;list-style:none}
#feed-list-container ul li{background:#fdfdfd;padding:15px;line-height:normal;border:1px solid #eee;border-top:0;transition:all .3s;}
#feed-list-container ul li:hover{background:#fff;}
#feed-list-container ul li:last-child{border-bottom:0;}
.list-entries .main-title{padding:0;overflow:hidden;}
.list-entries .main-title h4{position:relative;display:block;font:inherit;font-weight:700;padding:1em 1.5em;background-color:#4f93c5;color:#fff;margin:0;line-height:normal;font-size:120%;margin-top:0!important}
.list-entries .main-title h4:after{display:inline-block;content:"\f02c";font-family:fontAwesome;font-size:17.4px;font-style:normal;background-color:#4384b3;color:#fff;top:0;right:0;padding:1em 1.25em;position:absolute;font-weight:400}
.list-entries .title a{font-size:13px;text-decoration:none;line-height:.5em;color:#333;font-weight:700;transition:all .3s;}
.list-entries .title a:hover{color:#4f93c5}
.list-entries img,.list-entries .fake-img{border:none;background-color:#333;margin:0 1em 0 0;padding:0;float:left}
.list-entries .summary{overflow:hidden;color:#999}
.list-entries .more-link{border-bottom:none;}
.list-entries .more-link a{display:block;line-height:2em;height:2em;overflow:hidden;text-decoration:none;background-color:#444;padding:1em 1.5em;position:relative;font-weight:400;color:#fff;transition:all .3s;}
.list-entries .more-link a:hover{background-color:#f97e76;color:#fff;}
.list-entries .more-link a:after{display:inline-block;content:"\f054";font-family:fontAwesome;font-size:16.4px;font-style:normal;background-color:#333;color:#ccc;top:0;right:0;padding:1em 1.25em;position:absolute;font-weight:400;transition:all .3s;}
.list-entries .more-link a:hover:after{background-color:#ea726a;color:#fff;}
.widget .post-body ul, .widget .post-body ol {position:relative;}
@media (max-width:640px){
.list-entries {width:100%;}
.list-entries{margin:2.5% 1%;}}
<div id="feed-list-container">
<div style="clear:both;">
<script type="text/javascript">
var multiFeed = {
feedsUri: [
name: "JUDUL LABEL",
url: "URL-BLOG",
name: "JUDUL LABEL",
url: "URL-BLOG",
name: "JUDUL LABEL",
url: "URL-BLOG",
numPost: 4,
showThumbnail: true,
showSummary: false,
summaryLength: 0,
titleLength: "auto",
thumbSize: 72,
containerId: "feed-list-container",
readMore: {
text: "Selengkapnya",
endParam: "?max-results=5"
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
2. Save the page and see the results. .
Information :
- numPost: Specifies the number of posts that you want to display
- showThumbnail: Change the value to false to hide the image
- showSummary: Change the value to true to display a summary of the post
- summaryLength: Specifies the number of characters in the summary
- thumbSize: Shows the thumbnail size displayed
- text: Change the words "More"
- endParam: Specifies the number of posts that will be displayed when pressing the read more button.
So about how to Install Multi Recent Posts on Static Pages, hopefully useful.