How to Determine Keyword Blog - For bloggers, of course, know how important the role of keywords is in supporting the existence of your blog. Determining the keywords of the blog and its own application is one of the crucial parts of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) offpage.

Without good keywords, it would be impossible for a blog to get a solid position on the "google search engine" SERP.

Talking about keywords for this blog, many bloggers claim to understand well about SEO. But don't know how to determine good blog keywords. As a result, the implementation of SEO that has been done by the blog has become less optimal. Because the content and also the blog use a less potent keyword phrase.

Now, with regard to this one thing, I will share some important points that are worthy of you as a blogger to know in determining the keyword blog that you will use. Here's the full review.

Look for a keyword phrase from a trusted source

One of the points that is very important for you "blogger" to know about determining the keyword of a blog is related to the source you find keywords. Keyword phrases are not things you can predict or predict. (even by looking at the common words that often appear in the Google search column).

You will need online tools that can provide specific data. Regarding what keyword phrases are often used by internet users when surfing in cyberspace.

Generally, most bloggers use Google adwords as the main choice to find their blog keywords. But actually, it will get better if you don't just rely on one source as your keyword reference.

Find a list or choice of keyword phrases from other sources. You can use several well-known online tools related to searching keyword phrases for this blog like WordTracker, Keyword Discovery and many others.

By looking for a keyword phrase from a different source, you will get another view of the keyword that will be applied to your content or blog.

Consider keyword competition numbers

Another important point that is also important to know by bloggers, is to find and determine the keyword of the blog that will be used later. This is related to the competition number of the keyword phrase that you will choose.

Choosing keywords with search bese numbers such as up to 1000 searches or more per month, it is very potent to increase the quality of your blog's SEO. But you also have to consider that it also shows a high level of competition between blogs / websites that use similar keywords.

It would be a wise choice if you choose keywords that have competitive numbers / search numbers that are not too high but also not too low.

Knowing the ranking of topics that your blog has raised

Still related to determining the keyword blog. Furthermore, what is also a consideration in finding the keyword phrase is the ranking or ranking of topics that you raise. In short, you must know the popularity of the topic that you will peel.

Is your topic included in the top 10 most frequently searched or not even included in 200 popular topics on the internet. To find out about this, you can rely on several online tools such as Web CEO, BrightEdge, and SEOmoz.

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