Fixing Thumbnails of Images that Don't Appear on Blogger

Fixing Thumbnails of Images that Don't Appear on Blogger
Fixing Thumbnails of Images that Don't Appear in Blogger - Recently I checked several blog demo templates, one of which was a demo blog for Lycoris templates. After I made a new post on the blog, I saw that there was an oddity in the thumbnail view of the homepage posting that was different from the previous post.

The difference is seen in the height of the post thumbnail that does not match the template settings and the thumbnail image does not appear in the recent post slide widget display.

After I reviewed it and tried to compare the new post with the old post, it turned out that there was one small difference that is located in the URL of the image protocol. For images in the old post using http and for new post images using https.
Now if you experience the same thing, the way to overcome it is quite easy. You only need to change the image protocol URL from https to http (in the HTML tab). After that, click Update and see the results.

That's enough for tips this time, hopefully useful.

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