Easy Way to Get Quality Backlinks

Easy Way to Get Quality Backlinks
Easy Ways to Get Quality Backlinks - Previously you have to know in advance what is meant by backlinks? Backlinks are backlinks or exchanging links.
For example, the "bad" put the site link on the site "flirty" and vice versa. Many people on social media that I have met are looking for this backlink to the point that they spend money to buy backlinks, actually it doesn't have to be so, we can get it by our own efforts. For example, by commenting on sites with high page rank and sites that are dofollow such as social bookmarks and forums.

What is the purpose of finding backlinks? The goal is that our blog is more popular in the eyes of search engines and can be ranked top in searches like Google or Bing.

Backlinks are divided into two types, namely quality backlinks and backlinks that are not quality or bad. Quality Becklinks can be obtained from high-rank sites and are in accordance with our blog, while non-quality backlinks are obtained from spam sites, which results in our blog being hit by sandboxes and difficult to find on google search.

Well here are some tips on how to easily get a quality backlink:

1. Submit Blog to Social Bookmark

Social Bookmark is a place where we can put the URL of our post there. besides getting some visitors we also get dofollow backlinks from the site. for example: Lintas.me Bersosial.com and others.

2. Submit Articles Through Directories Articles

What is intended to submit in the article directory is a site where we can submit our article on the site. There are many article directory sites that are well known today. You just have to search the Google directory site and submit the article on the site.

3. Frequent Blog Walking with Bloggers

Blog Walking is the activity of visiting a blog and commenting on other people's blogs and the people we have visited have also visited and commented on our blog (exchanging comments). commented that the intention is to comment according to the content of the article that has been made or referred reluctantly so that the other readers know what is not explained in the article but there is an answer in the comments column. This Blog Walking besides Getting Backlinks is also useful to streamline your blog's Alexa.

4. Registering Blog Rss to Directory Rss

By registering an RSS blog to an RSS directory like the Freedburner.com article you will be sent to the address and there we get a backlink.

5. Place the Blog Link on the Google+ Profile

Because Google+ is a high-rank and dofollow site, place your blog link on your Google+ profile. and plant your blog link there.

6. Leave Comments on .Gov and .Edu Domains

Google really likes the .gov and edu domains, so plant backlinks in that domain because it clearly gets quality backlinks.

7. Plant Backlinks in the Forum

Forums are very many we find in this virtual world, such as game forums, communities and others. because most forums are dofollow then register yourself at the forum and comment on the relevant ones and include your blog link.

So Easy Ways to Get Quality Backlinks, hopefully useful for all of us.

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